Wedding Photo Pack — 6 hours

1 photographer for 6 hours — 7 200 AED

from 300 high quality photos with light and color correction and retouching first 50 photos within 7 days photos in a private gallery

  • + 1 hour 1200 AED (for 1 photographer)
  • the second photographer 4 800 AED (6 hours)
Price. Main

Wedding Video Pack — 6 hour
1 videographer for 6 hours — 8 200 AED

Instagram clip up to 2 min

  • + 1 hour 1300 AED (for 1 videographer)
  • + 1 videographer 5 100 AED (6 hour)
Price. Main

Premium Wedding Pack — Unlimited 

2 photographers, 3 videographers — 65 900 AED

from 800 high quality photos with light and color correction and retouching first 100 photos within 7 days photos in a private gallery wedding book
up to 3 min instagram clip
10-15 min wedding movie
photo SDE (same edit day)
photo& video love story

  • + 1 videographer or photographer 9 600 AED

Optional ADD-ON’S

Price. Main

if you need a photographer or videographer for less time, we can discuss this and provide services by the hour

1 photographer — 1200 AED per 1 hour

1 videographer — 1300 AED per 1 hour

love story (video) 5 500 AED

love story (photo) 3500 AED

family story (video) 10 500 AED

family story (photo) 4 500 AED

individual photo shooting 3500 AED

wedding book form 5700 AED

photo SDE (same day edit) 3500 AED

video sde (same day edit) 9 000 AED


Price. Main

Film photos — 6700 AED


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Price. Main